“We do not have a network to assist in editing
anymore – yet the format remains the same.
Editing one episode takes weeks. Our current
editors are our team – so if they are not on the
road filming, they are in their office editing.
It’s not like we are taking breaks here.”
Amy, I live in Europe, and I am unable to sign up
to The Paranormal Circle using my credit card,
do you know why?
“I have a new class every Saturday night
(from now until the end of October 2024).
The class is via Zoom. There are more details on my website. #TheHolzerFiles"
“The reason why I wrote this book, because at
the very end, you too can do your own life review!
You will be able to understand your life review:
your purpose, the meaning of your life, and be able
to understand: your challenges, and past decisions
“Okay, there were a few times that I came close to
death or serious harm in my life, not one of them took
place inside a haunted building. No, you are not “facing
down death” from the ghosts when you make a video at
a haunted location. (Structural safety may be another story!) Hopefully, you will do better. #HauntedHospitals”
Jason, what is your advice about dealing with attention-seeking clients?
“The Paranormal Circle has been a labor of love, but it’s been
so worth it! If anyone is interested in joining, please head over to my website and try a seven-day free trial.” ~ Amy
#Just Asking
“I am very sorry about that! The Paranormal Circle
is only available to United States and Canada residents
at the moment. We are working on it, but there is a lot
involved in doing business outside of those locations for us. Thank you for your interest.”
Has your fur baby recently passed over the Rainbow Bridge, and you are looking for a "Pet Comfort Stone" to celebrate their life? If so, psychic medium, Kim Russo, has the perfect
commemorative stone in her online store.
Just click the link below for more details:
Amy Says,
Chelsea Says,
"Pets, in the afterlife, can hear and understand you." ~ Psychic Medium, Matt Fraser
"Buy my book, because I have a message
for you.” ~ Psychic Medium, Matt Fraser
Jason Says,
©Paranormal Critics 2013-2024. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without permission of the author.
“Animals come into our lives to teach us about love, they depart to teach
us about loss. A new animal never replaces an old one, it merely expands
the heart. If you have loved many animals, your heart is very big.” – Erica Jong
"Did you know that we release a podcast every month on
the Fear Club website? There are more than twelve podcast
episodes already… and many more to come! #ProjectFear” ~ Dakota
Chris, I was wondering when season two of your podcast will be released on my favorite platform?
Matt, why did you write, “Don’t Wait Till You’re
Dead – Spirits' Advice from the Afterlife”?
Supernaturally Speaking
Amy continues, “Members of the Paranormal Circle will have access
to all of this: weekly live Q & A’s and round table discussions with me.
Monthly “Cocktail Hour” with me and a special guest(s). Live quarterly
streaming investigations. Access to the Paranormal Circle evidence
database. Rotating 24/7 LIVE webcams from some of the most haunted
sites in the country. Discounts arranged with various paranormal
conferences, comic-cons, and my Strange Escapes retreats. Access
to exclusive merchandise and pre-arranged member only discounts
at your favorite paranormal retailers. Private meet ups at conferences
and events. Swag giveaways. A yearly meet up for Paranormal Circle
members only. A membership kit, including an ID card to show for in-
person benefits, and so much more!"
Q & A was compiled and edited by Renee
Alexandra, I just learned you have a
new online Supernatural Saturday class,
I would like to know more. Thank you!
Richard, have you come close to death
on one of your paranormal explorations?
"Happiness personified
John Tenney and Frankie.
#HauntedHospitals" ~ Richard
“Oh, I think I have a ghost in my house! Hhhmmm?
Be careful what you visit and bring home. #GhostHunters” ~ Brian
Chelsea, why does it take so long
between “new” #ProjectFear videos?
"Your pets try to send you signs from the Afterlife - just like
your loved ones in spirits do." ~ Psychic Medium, Matt Fraser
Richard Says,
“They are not calling you in to be your friend –
they are calling you in for your honesty. If the
place is not haunted – and the client wants it
to be – go with your honesty. As for me, all you
get is honesty! #GhostHunters”
"I am currently uploading the entire catalog (134) one by one. For now, you can listen to some episodes from the first season of Spirit Talk (2006 - 2023). Thank you!
Please adopt, don't shop and help raise awareness
of the desperate situation that all rescues are in!
Zak with Gracie in 2012.
Matt says,